8月号のCell Stem Cellの表紙
国立国際医療研究センターで研究されているp38α論文が掲載された8月号のCell Stem Cellが8/4にリリースされ、私は今回この雑誌の表紙の絵を描きました。
因みにCell Stem Cell は幹細胞生物学の全領域を網羅する学術誌です。
i drew illustration for a magazine called “Cell Stem Cell” released August 04, 2016.
I will explain about this picture.
As known, hematopoietic stem cell becomes split by hematopoiesis stress attack. And each split hematopoietic stem cells start counter attack to destroy hematopoiesis stress. I descriptive of this relationship by drawing hematopoietic stem as an animal from feline group and hematopoiesis stress as raptores.
The reason behind I chose those two animal groups to each position, I followed advise from my client at the beginning of this offer.
“As if the frail look animal transformed into something powerful, for example, animal with two heads or has extra wings by feeling of fear of attacking by others. And this transformation represents activated form of hematopoietic stem cells which also activated purine metabolism.”
By having this, I firstly came up with small helpless cats, and also I imagined feline group would suit since it includes fierce animal within a group.
Regarding the raptores, attacking action represents to hematopoiesis stress, I came up with birds flying over the sky and spread its wings would suit to this situation. Therefore, I chose those animals into my drawing.